Monday 29 October 2012

Injury Woes

Well I had some very good news last week that seems to have been completly quashed by my run early this morning.

I may have mentioned that I completed the Munich marathon the other week, however this run left we with something less exciting then a medal. Around the 22 mile mark I felt some pain in the right side of my knee and had to walk to try and give it a rest. I managed to finish the run be it very slowly and with a slight limp. After the race I didn't think anything of it and was only really feeling the usual sore thigh aftereffects. Unfortunately when I got Back to the UK and went for my first post marathon run I felt the soreness in my knee again. After extensive and thorough research a Google search it seemed I was suffering from a bit of inflammation and a bit of ice and rest should do the trick. Well a week on with no running I went out yesterday and successfully completed my 4.5 mile short run with no problems. However this morning I got ten minutes down the road and the pain came back. Que much swearing and kicking leaves as the realisation dawned this might be something a little more serious.

Luckily I have 6 months to prepare for the London marathon and my current fitness it good so a few weeks out shouldn't affect me but the worry is there that when I visit the doctor this week that he may inform me it's more serious then just 'rest up for a few weeks'. The problem with injuries as a runner is that our whole lives are dedicated to the process of going out and running a few miles and then beginning our day. Its a form of drug and stress reliever and without that release I don't know what I can do. Maybe I should have rested up more but I felt fine walking around so why couldn't I put the shoes on and hit the streets, surely it would be fine. But no. Now I will have to mope around at home waiting for the knee to heal whilst my fitness slowly goes backwards after all that hard work over the last few months.

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