Monday 22 October 2012


I am Tom and for my sins I am a runner. Come rain, wind, 30 degree shine or even snow (when I can keep my footing) I plod my way around the streets of Surrey (and sometimes Kent) for the sole aim of getting from point A to B via C and sometimes with a little detour to G. I have started this (my first ever blog) in the aim to provide some sort of structure to my plodding/shuffling as I am getting to that age (29) where my knees are hurting and recovery time from a half marathon is weeks rather then days.

Hopefully over the next few months I will regail you lucky readers with my trails (see what I did there) tribulations and tears to find out the real reason of why I bother doing this. I assume I will get bored after two or three but I will attempt to perserve and provide some insightful information (such as the best way to avoid nipple chafage (for men) as well as race reports highlighting my attempts at breaking a PB around the South East of Great Britain). I may even provide some pictures of me collapsed in a heep  my heroic sprint finishes.

For now I will leave it there. This may be my last blog post but who knows.

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